About Massages
Massage is as old as the world, it is an instinctive, primordial gesture and man has made this spontaneous gesture an art to obtain physical and spiritual benefits.
Massaging is a wonderful way to take care of one's self, relax, calm down, reach a state of well-being, nurse painful or traumatic diseases, to improve the quality and duration of sleep, strengthen the circulatory, immune and pressure system, solve problems arising from stress and psycho-physical tensions.
The lymphatic system that, for reasons of sedentary lifestyle, age or diseases has decreases circulation capacity, by the massage better conveys the toxins to the organs that are responsible for expelling them, producing in our body a general and effective cleansing and regularizing effect of all our vital functions.
At the Spa Ulysse we are firmly convinced of the effectiveness of this real natural medicine and we recommend it to everyone.